Monday, October 6, 2008

What's for Dinner?

First of all, let me say that I do try really hard to stay organized as far as eating goes. I spend time every Sunday writing out my menus for the week and then making my list of all the things that I am going to need.

So my friend Kathy, gave me this really cool little magnet board to go on my fridge so that I can "post" what we are having for dinner that week. As you can see, this week, I made the mistake of leaving Friday and Saturday blank. I was thinking maybe we would go out to eat or just decide on a whim what we would eat those two nights. I completed my board last night.

I got home from work today and went to the board to make a few adjustments, only to find that "someone" had taken the liberty to fill in suggestions for both Friday and Saturdays dinners. In case you are having trouble reading them. Friday night says, "Fish & Figgs & Fried Spaggheti" (their spelling) and on the menu for Saturday?..."Fried Frog Nipples".

Dinner will be ready at 7 p.m. for those of you wanting to join us...reservations encouraged.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!

Last week was my birthday! I LOVE birthdays! There is nothing better than God allowing you one more year on planet Earth! I am so thankful for my many, many blessings...especially my family. Brad, T and B surprised me with a home cooked dinner, flowers and a birthday cake. It was wonderful! Unfortunately, C could not be with us because he is over three hours away at school. We missed him terribly!

So, after dinner, it was time for cake and pictures. The first thing I would like to point out is that you are not imagining things, those are indeed MATCHES on my birthday cake impersonating birthday candles. I've learned to appreciate, and cling to, the saying, "It's the thought that counts" - I truly am a lucky girl. : )

I have also learned to appreciate all of my many pictures with someone licking my face or pushing me out of the frame to immortalize their muscles. But my favorites are all the ones that I have of me smiling and whoever else is in the picture with me making a face. I wonder who the boys get their knack for making such great photos from?

One last note, I did get the sweetest card from T. He wrote me a special message on the inside, it said, "Even though you nag the crap out of me, I guess it's just because you love me and want me to be a better person and that is why I love you." At least he "gets" why I do what I do...sort of.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Never a Dull Moment!

This is a photo taken on a day when I was picking up around the house. I happened to notice that "someone" obviously thought baseballs were stored in the fruit basket. There are many mysteries around my one EVER knows ANYTHING about anything!

Decorating 101

Who knew how lovely a FORK could be when placed inside the pretty little candle vase? Really, who knew? I am so thankful to have my boys around to help me with my obvious lack of decorating know-how...

Things Aren't Always What They Look Like...Thank God!

These photos were taken from the time that B could not bare the thought of letting go of his SILLY PUTTY long enough to even sleep. We had to cut it out of his hair the next morning. I didn't think to take a picture of his new haircut. It was really cute though. : )